Creating cases can behave differently based on the type of user you are logged in as. Each user type’s available roles are explained in detail below. To be able to create cases, the user needs to have the "create case" user tickets assigned to them. This is controlled by your system administrator.
Creating the case
As a Case Manager:
A case manager can create a case for the type of which that user is the Case Manager
They are also able to choose whether to allocate the case to a Case Worker at the same time
As a Case Worker:
You can create a case
The case could then be allocated by a Case Manager or taken by a Case Worker
As a User (not a Case Manager or Case Worker)
You are able to create a case only
The case could then be allocated by a Case Manager or taken by a Case Worker
The following is an example of how you would create a Case.
We will be looking at an example of hiring an administration officer
1. From the main menu, navigate to Case Management > Case > Create

2. Select the case type from the Categorisation drop down.
3. Select the client from the Client popup find. Organisations and Client Administration Clients can also be clients
4. Note that the Client's Name becomes the title for the case

5. As you are logged in as the case manager, you are able to assign the case Later or Now. For this time leave the Process Definition & Allocation options as default. Note: only a case manager will see the options in process Definition & Allocation as a Case Worker will automatically have themselves allocated to a case

6. Click Save
Allocating the Case
1. As the Case Manager, you have created a Case and will be on the Hire Administration Officer Case Display screen. You can see that the Case Status is Un-Allocated. To Allocate the Case select Allocate from the Actions menu.

2. Choose the Case Worker from the dropdown menu, next to the client name for this case.
3. Click on the Allocate button

You will now see that James Brown is listed as the Case Worker, but the Case Status has changed from Un-Allocated to Pending for Acceptance. John will need to confirm this acceptance (or reject or refer the case).

Accepting the Case
1. When the Case Manager allocates a case to a Case Worker (in this case James Brown), the Case Worker will receive a ChilliDB Alert. Logged in as the Case Worker, click on the Item link on the Alert..

2. This will take you to the Case Display screen, which shows that you have been allocated as the Case Worker. Select Accept from the Actions menu.

3. The Case Status has now changed to In Progress. From this screen you can click on the Case History tab to see a log of information regarding the case to date.

Referring the Case
1. As the Case Worker (James Brown), now that you have accepted the Case from the Case Manager, you are able to refer this case to another Case Worker. From the Case Display screen, select Refer from the Actions menu.

2. Complete the details on the Case Referral Confirmation screen including:
Select the Case Worker you would like to refer this case to. In this example, choose Robert Worker.
Enter the Reason for referring the case.
Tick the checkbox if you would like to send an Alert to the referred Case Worker and choose the Priority of the alert from the drop down menu.
Click on Confirm.

3. The new referred Case Worker (in this case Jim Johns) will receive an Alert regarding this case referral
Declining the case
1.The new referred Case Worker will receive an Alert regarding this case referral. They will have to Accept or Decline this Case. This is done via the Actions menu of the Case Display screen. Choose Decline from the Actions menu to not accept this referral.

2. Fill in the details on the Case Referral Decline Confirmation screen pop up, including:
Enter the Reason for declining.
Click on Confirm

Creating the case (as Case Worker)
The following is an example of how you would create a Case while logged in as Case Worker, John Worker. We will be looking at specifically Hiring a Program Manager.
1. From the main menu, navigate to Case Management > Case > Create
2. Select the type and client for the case
3. Under the Process Definition & Allocation as the Case Worker, you are able to assign the case to yourself. Tick the checkbox that states “I would like to Allocate this case to me”.
4. When you allocate yourself to the Case, you will be asked to specify the Process Definition. This is optional.
5. Click Save