Module Builder is a new optional feature available in the ‘Manage ChilliDB Optional Features’ section of ChilliDB. To navigate to this section and enable module builder, go to the System main menu item and then click on ‘System Management’. You will find the Optional Features on the right-hand side of the screen, second item from the bottom. Click the link and then locate Module Builder on the next screen. Users can choose to either enable the module builder by clicking the 'Enable’ button (Note: this incurs an extra cost of $25 a month); or trial it by clicking the ‘Trial Feature’ button. This tool enables the ability to easily create new modules that can run independently of other ChilliDB modules; or be linked to other sections of ChilliDB as required. The Module Builder can be configured to capture the information required via the addition of custom fields, and it also offers built-in searches and specific user access sensitivity settings.
Creating a New Module:
Once this feature has been enabled, users can create a new module by following these steps:
1. Click on the System main menu item and then click ‘Custom Fields’. Choose the ‘Module Builder’ option from the drop-down list.

2. On the next screen, click on ‘Create’ link in the top-right corner.

3. On the following screen, enter the key details of the module, including the Name (for example, ‘Training’) and the Field Name, which becomes the first field generated in the Custom Fields - Base section of your new module.

When all the required information has been added, click ‘Save.’
Once a new module has been created, users can find it by navigating to the More main menu item and then select the ‘Training’ module from the drop-down menu.
Note: if you want to move your newly created module out of the More menu, you can do so in user preferences.

Limiting Who can view a Custom Module
In cases where users wish to keep custom module information secret, or limit which of their staff can view information related to a custom module, the best option is to limit access to the custom module itself. To do this, we follow the steps below:
First, navigate to the System main menu item and select ‘Users’ - ‘Maintain Roles + Tickets’ from the drop-down menu.

Then Choose the role you wish to adjust the permissions for. In this example, we will remove the permission to view the Training module from the 'Client Admin Worker' role.

To do so, we click on ‘Client Admin Worker’ and then type the custom module name - ‘Training’ in the search box and click on ‘Filter.’

We then remove all permissions for the Training module for this type of user by clicking on the check-box next to the ‘Training’ main heading. Click ‘Update’ to confirm these changes.

The result of this is anyone who has been allocated to the ‘Client Admin Worker’ role will no longer be able to view the Training module, or its associated information, when logging-in to their ChilliDB system. This removes the Training custom module as a main menu item
Adding New Sections and Custom Fields to Your Custom Module:
Access the custom fields maintenance tool by navigating to the ‘System’ menu item and selecting ‘Custom Fields’ – ‘Create and Maintain’. To create or edit custom fields, first select the module within which you would like to work (e.g.: "Training”).

You will then be presented with a table that outlines the current sections/fields available in the Training module. As it has just been created, it will only have one section - ‘Base’; and one field ‘Description’.

To add a new section, click the ‘Add New Section’ link, which will create a new row in the section table. Each section must have a different name. Users can add fields to these sections as per their requirements.
Creating Records in Custom Modules:
Using our new Training module as an example, to lodge a new training record within ChilliDB, users first navigate to the ‘Training’ module. To add a new training record, select ‘Create’.

On the following screen, enter the key details of the training, such as the name of the training; training provider; attendee(s) and so on.

Once all required/relevant details have been added, click ‘Save.’ Users will then be taken to the Training Details Page. On this page they can edit the details they have added by clicking on the ‘Edit’ link at any time.
