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Help Articles (219)
- Using Azure AD with ChilliDB
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access Management service, ensures users can securely sign in and access relevant resources. ChilliDB integration with Azure AD now makes it easy for administrators to manage ChilliDB user accounts directly from Azure AD and prevents users from having to keep track of multiple passwords. Registering ChilliDB with your Azure AD Account To enable ChilliDB to authenticate users again Azure AD you need to first register the ChilliDB Application in your Azure Active Directory. The steps to register ChilliDB with an Azure AD account are outlined below: Under Azure Active Directory choose 'App Registrations' . Then select 'Create New Registrations'. On the New Registration page, fill out the form as per below, changing the MyOrg in the Redirect URI to your own ChilliDB System Identifier (normally your organization's initials). Once completed click 'Register' to register the app. After registration is completed, click 'Authentication' on the left-hand side of the screen. On the next screen that is shown, select 'ID Tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)' as shown below: Make a copy of the following items as they will be needed to configure ChilliDB. Application (client) ID. (from the Overview page for the app) Directory (tenant) ID. (from the Overview page for the app) Redirect URIs. (from the Authentication page for the app) Recording the Azure AD App Registration Details in ChilliDB Login into your ChilliDB System. Navigate to the System main menu and then choose System Management . From here select the Manage System Configuration link to enter your Azure AD App details. Enter 'Azure' in the search field and click on 'Filter' to return the Azure configuration items. For each item enter the details from the Azure AD App registration page as follows: Azure App Registration ChilliDB configuration Application (client) ID Azure Ad Client Id Directory (tenant) ID Azure Ad Tenant Redirect URIs Once the configuration changes have been applied, you can log out and close the browser. Note: It wont occur until the server is refreshed that night. As a result, it will be operational the day after activation. Logging into ChilliDB Using Azure AD for the First Time Start a browser session and visit your ChilliDB site using its normal web address. If you have not already been authenticated by Microsoft Azure, you will be prompted at this point for your login details. Once successfully authenticated, you will be redirected back to the ChilliDB login page. If your Azure AD username (User Principal Name) is not found in your ChilliDB user's list, you will be presented with the login message below. At this point, you should request your ChilliDB administrator creates or updates your user account to have the same name as your Microsoft Azure AD username. If your Azure AD username is found, you will be automatically logged into ChilliDB. Synchronizing Contacts' Details After a user logs into ChilliDB using their Microsoft Azure AD details, the following ChilliDB information will be automatically updated if it differs from the information recorded in Microsoft Azure AD: - Contacts' first name. - Contacts' last name. - Contacts' business email. If changes are made, the contact modification details will be updated with the date they occurred and the system user as the modifier. Automatic Creation of ChilliDB User for Azure AD When using Microsoft Azure AD for authentication, the ChilliDB user and their related contact details can be automatically created if they do not exist in ChilliDB. This prevents the administrator from needing to create the user in both Microsoft Azure AD and ChilliDB. To achieve this, the default role and contact type must be defined in addition to the contact's name in Microsoft Azure AD. To enable this feature, the following settings are required. Within Microsoft Azure AD ensure that the following optional claims are exposed: 1. User Given Name 2. User Family Name To expose these claims view the ChilliDB App Registration in Azure Active Directory you made previously and select ' Token configuration' from the options in the column on the left-hand side. Click ' Add optional claim' and select ' ID' for the Token type . Then check the ' family_name' and ' given_name' claims: As these fields are not mandatory in Azure, if they are not completed the 'Name' field will be used to create the ChilliDB contact name by using the first word from this field, and the remaining words will be part of the contact last name. If the 'Name' field has only 1 word, then that will be the contact's first name, and the contact’s last name will be set to Not Specified. After making the configuration changes in Azure, login into your ChilliDB system. Navigate to the System main menu and select System Management . From here select the Manage System Configuration link to set the following configuration values: Default Organisation for Contact Ensure the ' System Owner' item is set to the correct organization. This will be the organization that the contact is associated with when created. Default Type for Contact Set the type that will be used for the contact when they are created by associating a type with the ' Contact Add Default Type' item. Default Role for User Set the role that will be used for the user when they are created by associating a role with the ' User Add Default Role' item. Enable Automatic User Creation Enable automatic user creation by setting the ' Azure Automatic ChilliDB User Creation Enabled' item to 'True'.
- QR Code in ChilliDB Event management
The landscape of event management is continually evolving, and the Q-Code App marks our latest advancement in this area. QR codes have taken the efficacy of event management to the next level, offering convenience and efficiency in tracking attendees; making check-ins a breeze; and even allowing the collection of valuable data. This app is set to make it even easier to intelligently sync data to our event management module, ensuring seamless integration and easily allowing users to track data within ChilliDB. Improving Event Registration and the Check-In Experience: More Efficient Check-In Process: Rapid Check-Ins: A swift QR code scan with a mobile device translates to a faster check-in process, reducing long lines and wait times. Smoother Transition for Events: With quicker check-ins, events can start on time and with minimal disruption, enhancing the overall experience for attendees. More Accurate Data Collection: Reliable Attendance Tracking: Utilising Q-codes for check-ins ensures precise recording of attendance figures. Engagement Insights: The Q-code app aids in gathering detailed data on participant interaction, which is crucial for post-event analysis and planning future events. Enhanced Participant Experience: Streamlined Entry: A simple and efficient check-in process leaves a positive first impression and boosts overall attendee satisfaction. Increased Likelihood of Repeat Attendance: A pleasant check-in experience can encourage attendees to return for future events. More Eco-Friendly Approach: Reduced Paperwork: The digital nature of the Q-Code app lessens the need for printed tickets or physical lists. Sustainable Practices: By decreasing paper usage, the app supports more sustainable event management. Better Security QR codes can be used to prevent unauthorised access to certain areas and also to verify the age of participants for specific events or activities. QR Code App: Currently available is the option to sync all events from ChilliDB to the app, including details such as images, locations, and event descriptions, ensuring users have all the necessary information readily available. Additionally, the app displays session times and enables attendees to register directly through the platform. A key feature is the ability to check in upon arrival, crucial for accurate attendance record-keeping and streamlining operations. How to Access the App: To access this app, click on the following link on your phone, tablet, or PC: For optimal experience, we recommend using a phone or tablet equipped with a camera for QR code scanning. Once you click on this link, you will be directed to the following page. The fields should be filled out as follows: ChilliDB URL: The value should be the same address that you would go to when you want to log into ChilliDB using your web browser. An example of the URL would be: or ChilliDB Username: This is the username you use to log in to your ChilliDB system. ChilliDB Password: This is the password associated with your ChilliDB username. This is the same password you use to log into ChilliDB using your web browser. After connecting with Event app, the following screen will show a list of all future events, including details such as images, locations, and descriptions of each event, ensuring that users have all the necessary information at their fingertips. Once you select the event from the list, you will be taken to the following screen with the list of all the registrations for the event. If users want to manually check-in attendees, they can do so by clicking on the green 'Check' button. Once the user clicks on this button, it will change into a tick, and the status will be changed to 'Attended.' Note: If you accidentally change the status to ‘Attended’ by mistake, you can change it back to 'Registered' by clicking on the green circle containing the tick. Signing in with a QR Code The QR code scan is a pivotal feature in this app, facilitating a seamless check-in process upon arrival at the event. This function is essential for recording attendees' presence, streamlining operations, and ensuring accurate record-keeping. Step 1: Generate QR code for attendees and send it to them: To generate a QR code for events, we have introduced a new QR Code Event mail merge token (see example below) within the Event module for email communication with event attendees. To generate this token, you need to compose an email from the event module to any contact who is registered for an event. In this email, be sure to include the new QR Code Event mail merge token. Each QR code is unique to its respective event, and you can scan it to mark the attendance of attendees. Users can compose one fixed message template in their system that includes the QR code token. They can use this template for sending emails to all registrations. Example of a Message Template including a QR code token. Step 2: At Event - Check-in by QR code: To mark attendees present at an event using QR codes, click on the QR Scan logo. Once you do this, you will be prompted to grant camera permissions. After granting the necessary permissions, you can proceed to scan the QR codes of attendees using your phone or iPad to mark their attendance at the event. Download App: Users can download this site as an app to their devices rather than entering the URL every time to log in to this page. iPhone or iPad 1. Open Safari. 2. Navigate to the: . Tap ‘Go’. 3. Tap the ‘Share’ button at the bottom of the page. It looks like a square with an arrow pointing out of the top. 4. In the list of options that appear, scroll down until you see ‘ Add to Home Screen’ . Tap this. The ‘Add to Home Screen’ dialog box will appear. 5. Choose a name for the app on your home screen. You'll see the link so you can confirm it, as well as the site's favicon that will appear as the "app" icon on your home screen. Click ‘Add’ when you're done. Safari will close automatically, and you will be taken to where the icon is located on your iPhone’s or iPad's home screen. Android devices: 1. Open chrome or any browser. 2. Navigate to the: . Tap “Go.” 3. Tap the menu icon (3 dots in the upper right-hand corner) and select ‘ Install App’ . 4. Tap ‘Install App’ to install app to your home screen.
- 2023 AI Review of Trends - What's coming in 2024 and beyond for ChilliDB AI:
The year 2023 was a key turning point in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Notably, ChatGPT, a leading AI tool, expanded rapidly demonstrating the growing public interest in AI technologies. Microsoft's strategic partnership with OpenAI, marked by a $10 billion investment, set the stage for this expansion. 2023 was also a year of intense competition among tech giants. Google unveiled Bard, its answer to ChatGPT, while Microsoft enhanced Bing with AI capabilities. Amazon wasn't far behind, introducing Bedrock for AWS, enabling customers to leverage generative AI models and more. These new possibilities for AI have begun within ChillIDB which will be coming in the future to better advance our Client Management system for our not-for-profit, community and health organisations. ChilliDB's Beginning with AI in Client Management ChilliDB has started its journey to integrate AI into client management. Realising the potential of AI, ChilliDB initiated plans to incorporate AI into its services. This initiative aimed to improve sectors such as not-for-profits, healthcare, and community organisations, enhancing tasks from managing volunteers to healthcare processes. Building Trust in the Age of AI An important part of ChilliDB's AI initiative is focusing on trust. In today's world, where handling sensitive data is crucial, ChilliDB is committed to creating secure and ethical AI solutions. By seeking user feedback and improving security measures, ChilliDB aims to ensure its AI solutions are not just advanced but also trustworthy. Creating a Framework for AI in Client Management AI integration is on the horizon for ChilliDB. We are looking at integrating features such as Predictive Analytics, Automated Data Entry, Personalised Recommendations, Automated Reporting, Assistance in Case/Event/Membership Management and more. These tools can help us produce high-quality solutions tailored to specific audiences. 1. Not-for-Profit Organisations: Volunteer Management: Match volunteers with suitable opportunities based on their skills and interests. Event Forecasting: Predict attendance and required resources for future events based on past data. Stakeholder Engagement: Gauge and enhance engagement levels of donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries. Resource Allocation: Optimise the use of available resources based on predicted demand or community feedback. Tailored Communication: Customise communication for different audience segments. Automated Reporting: Streamline the generation of stakeholder updates. 2. Health Client Management Systems: Medication Management: Track and manage patient medications, ensuring no drug interactions. Appointment Scheduling: Optimise and manage patient appointments based on their history and preferences. Billing Automation: Streamline the billing process and detect fraudulent claims. Resource Allocation: Predict patient inflow and allocate resources like beds and medical equipment accordingly. Telemedicine Enhancement: Improve virtual consultations with AI tools like real-time transcription. 3. Community Organisations: Community Engagement Analysis: Measure and enhance community interactions and feedback. Event and Workshop Planning: Efficiently plan community events based on past attendance and feedback. Skill Matching: Connect volunteers with relevant opportunities based on their skills and interests. Safety and Risk Assessment: Ensure the safety of community events by predicting potential risks. Community Trend Analysis: Stay updated with emerging community trends by analysing social media and news sources. Future Outlook: AI and Client Management Evolution ChilliDB is not just adopting AI but actively shaping it to meet the practical needs of users and communities. ChilliDB is dedicated to pioneering practical, trust-based AI solutions. The progress made in 2023 has established a basis for future developments, where AI is seen as a key tool in providing efficient, ethical, and personalised client management experiences. ChilliDB is at the forefront of this development, focusing on excellence and trust. References: Ai in health care: Applications, benefits, and examples. Coursera. (n.d.). De Saulles, M. (2023, March 30). 5 ways ai will transform CRM. CIO. Fine, A., & Kanter, B. (2021, December 9). How smart tech is transforming nonprofits. Harvard Business Review. NCBI. “The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare,” Why machine learning is the best segmentation. Dataro. (n.d.).
Other Pages (159)
- Security | chillidb
ChilliDB Security Protecting your data We’re committed to the security of our customers’ data and provide multiple layers of protection for the information you trust to Polymorphic Solutions. Data access When subscribing to the ChilliDB service you are provided a unique URL to access the service and an exclusive database to hold your Information. Only your organisation has access to the information in this database and internal authorised Polymorphic Solutions support and development staff. Securing login access to your ChilliDB service Your ChilliDB system is accessed through a unique login and password that you have defined during initial setup. We highly recommend password restriction controls are defined with a minimum of password lengths and password ageing. To prevent brute force password attacks ChilliDB will track the number of failed password attempts and prevent further attempts until a period of time has passed. In addition we offer two-step authentication. This provides a second level of security for your login account. When setup It means in addition to your password you will also be asked to enter a unique code generated by a separate authentication app on your smartphone. We recommend you use two-step authentication as it reduces the risk of your account being accessed if your password is compromised. Data encryption When accessing through a browser, we encrypt all information that goes between you and ChilliDB using industry-standard TLS (Transport Layer Security), protecting your data. Your data is also encrypted at rest when it is stored on our servers. Secure data centre Polymorphic Solutions servers are located within an enterprise-grade hosting facility that employ robust physical security controls to prevent physical access to the servers they house. These controls include 24/7/365 monitoring and surveillance, on-site security staff and regular ongoing security audits. Multiple layers of security controls protect access to and within our environment, including firewalls, intrusion protection systems and network segregation. Polymorphic Solutions Security team continuously monitors security systems, event logs, notifications and alerts from all systems to identify and manage threats. Redundancy and availability Polymorphic Solutions delivers best-in-class availability. We use multiple redundancy technologies for our hardware, networks, data centres and infrastructure. These ensure that if any component fails, ChilliDB will keep on running – with little or no disruption to your service. Designed to scale ChilliDB has been designed to work as effectively with a handful of users up to thousands. Developed in Microsoft .Net and SQL Server, our high performance servers, networks and infrastructure ensures ChilliDB can provide you with a quality service to meet your business needs.
- Outlook Plug-In | ChilliDB
Outlook Plug- in The ChilliDB Outlook Plug-in allows you to take emails you send or receive in your Outlook mailbox, categorise them, and store them into ChilliDB as Notes. GET STARTED WATCH DEMOS OUTLOOK PLUG-IN The Outlook Plug-in will automatically look up the sender and recipients of the email against ChilliDB Contacts and Organisations to create the matches for you. You can also conveniently create new Contacts and Organisations in your ChilliDB while storing the emails and the plug-in will use the information from the email to help pre-populate the Contacts and Organisation details. The Outlook Plug-in also integrates with the Case Management module to record Case Notes. Benefits All communications can be stored as ChilliDB Notes Supports storing batches of emails quickly and efficiently Supports looking up Contact and Organisation communication details from within Outlook ChilliDB Outlook Plug-in makes it easy to store all communications in ChilliDB Features Store emails as ChilliDB Notes Store Appointments as Events Lookup Contacts and Organisations from within Outlook Case Management integration Automatically matches sender and recipients with ChilliDB Contacts and Organisations Allows you to create new Contacts and Organisations from Outlook GET STARTED Request a free short 30 minute demonstration to learn more about what ChilliDB could do for you! REQUEST A FREE DEMO
- ChilliDB - CRM for Not for Profit, Health & Community
Leading Australian CLIENT MANAGEMENT SOLUTION An Australian-designed and hosted client management solution tailored to the NFP, Community and health industry. TRY FOR FREE Key Integrations Membership Management Web Forms Messaging Contact Management Custom Fields Case Managment Contract Management Event Management Client Administration Marketing Keep Up To Date AI Revolutionising Client Management Systems: A Comprehensive Guide 59 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Future of Client Management: ChilliDB at the Forefront of 2023 Trends 59 1 comment 1 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Industry Insights: Empowering Domestic Violence Support Organisations 61 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 To ensure you stay in the loop of update notes, helpful tips and insightful articles subscribe here: SUBSCRIBE TO CHILLIDB NEWS LOOKING FOR PRICING? Choose from a variety of pricing options that best suit your company and your needs PRICING Stay up to date
Community Questions (17)
- How does ChilliDB Communities work?In Questions·15 December 2021Got a question ? Cant seem to find the relevant video or tutorial available. Don't worry we are here to help. Connect with fellow ChilliDB users. Ask and answer questions to build your skills and network. Our ChilliDB experts can quickly answer your questions here also. To ask a question simply create an account with us to ask any question or access to features such as suggesting enchantments you would like to see within ChilliDB.1139
- How does ChilliDB Communities work?In Questions16 December 2021You can also upvote comments of the most relevant answer for other people to understand in the future.10
- Update Notes: ChilliDB 3.3.14 - 28/11/19In Releases·15 December 2021ChilliDB 3.3.14 - 28/11/19 - Hosted only Bug fixes and features New Features: Core 'Manage' link removed from system management sub menu to simplify navigation Full address lookup now returns suburb in all caps In order to show large labels, the character limit for label fields has been increased to 2000 characters. To avoid them using too much space on the screen, only the first 350 characters of labels are shown until they are expanded using 'click for more' button. Enabled filtering of lookup field values based on the selection of separate lookup. When editing a lookup custom field, you can choose a parent field, and for each lookup value, you can choose what parent value must be selected for this lookup value to appear Contacts To enable faster contact creation, the following fields can now be set with default values: Department, Division, Preferred Name, Surname, Middle Name, First Name, Job title. Default values are set using custom fields editor Advanced search The required order of searches can now be specified, we have added a sort columns tab to the filter create screen. In this tab you can create a sort order based on any of the display columns in that filter Cases Reason for case closure field is now available in the 'rpt_case_management_case' database view to make it easier to report on this field Events Event advanced search now updated with new search interface and ability to create shared filters Attendees imported from the event session import function are now imported with a booking date that is the current date rather than no booking date Notes A Detail filter is now available when viewing the note grid for contact and organisation which enables the entire note text of each note to be viewed. This view includes note title, date, interaction method, type and the note details Membership Membership advanced search updated with new interface and ability to create shared filters Surveys We have added an expire option for questions on the question edit screen so questions can be hidden without unpublishing the survey Survey responses can now be printed. This is done by previewing a response from the survey responses tab, then clicking the printer button located at the top right of the survey preview Corrected issues: Core Job title field is now hidden from screens when it is expired Advanced search Fixed an issue that caused some fields to not be available in the advanced search Data Mining Renaming a data set no longer has an effect on data searches using that data set. Previously you would need to edit the data search and select the data set again Fixed an issue where entering the same display name for multiple columns would give an error message instead of a validation message Surveys Fixed order of question group questions in the analysis tab Fixed a bug where an error would occur if you tried viewing a question linked to a yes/no custom field Events Fixed an error causing 'Subscribe to group' option to sometimes not work on the event attendee list008